
Mastodon Album Update

Time Is A Very Big Theme

It seems like we have an album update on the new Mastodon Album . The band's drummer gave us some informations on Rolling Stone about upcoming work and the collaboration with producer Brendan O'Brien.
He said :

"Time is a very big theme of the album. How much time do we have left? What are we doing with our time?"

"I get a little movie going in my head about a situation and I start writing about that. I try really hard to make it personal and relatable and not too esoteric. It's embarrassing to write lyrics. I'm a drummer, and I sing a little bit. Together we tackle these things and we figure it out - how to be this vocally driven band that has three people singing that don't want to sing."

"At the end of the story, the person simultaneously dies and is saved. It's about going through cancer, going through chemotherapy and all the things associated with that. I didn't want to be literal about it. But it's all in there. You can read between the lines."

"We always resort to the heavy, heavy, but I'd like to try to be adult and be able to go out there," he said. "When you play acoustically, you're pretty much naked. Do you really want everyone to see that? Maybe we're ready to be naked."

Thanks For Reading :-)

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