
EIEN An Awesome Metal Band From Greece

EIEN is an awesome metal band from Greece . The band was formed in 2008 by five members and today they have achieved to produce 2 promos cd and 1 EP without any sponsor.help. The band combine the new metal from Europe And American metal with success and they have beautiful heavy rhythm with some awesome clean vocals. As of their discography first album was in 2009 with the name  "Vacant Expressions"
another one in 2011 with the title "Closure" , 3 years ago the band has made an EP with the name "The Sickening" which has been mixed and mastered by Fredrik Nordstorm producer of the well known Fredman Studios . Now the band getting ready to record their new job . In my opinion is a great metal band where you can find something simple and beautiful music just metal as everyone loves it . You can find some work from them down below.

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/EienBand
Twitter : https://twitter.com/eien_band
Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/user/E1ENtv
Bandcamp:  http://e1en.bandcamp.com

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